Posts with pencil crayon

Pansies and Fuchsias

by Kokoma

posted in Aquarelle , Pencil crayon

Hello! For today I have 2 floral artworks: a bouquet of pansies and a branch of fuchsias. In bonus: 2 videos! one for each artwork I tried making the pansies with watercolour pencils for a change, but I found it more difficult than simply using watercolour...

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by Kokoma

posted in Pencil crayon

Coming Soon I seriously do not know how to start this article, (except for simply saying that this is a drawing I did last week and that the background took me a bunch of time to finish), so maybe I'd rather start off by saying what will be coming soon:...

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Magic Drum

by Kokoma

posted in Graphite , Pencil crayon

Today I drew a Sami necklace I have, which is called a Trolltrumman in Swedish. In English it is called a Magic Drum, although it could be translated to "a troll's drum". My Magic Drum was made out of wood, and the string was made out of reindeer's skin....

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Petits poissons

by Kokoma

posted in Pencil crayon , Encre

Lately I've been making sculptures in ceramic based on the sea, and now I've finished it up with drawing little fishes. This is all for an art project that I will be showing to you very soon. Right now I will only be showing you some fishes I have drawn...

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