Clichés de Noël

by Kokoma

posted in Photographie

Clichés de Noël
The Swedish version of the gingerbread house, in Swedish called pepparkakshus (literally meaning pepper cake house), along with Santa's sleigh.The Swedish version of the gingerbread house, in Swedish called pepparkakshus (literally meaning pepper cake house), along with Santa's sleigh.
The Swedish version of the gingerbread house, in Swedish called pepparkakshus (literally meaning pepper cake house), along with Santa's sleigh.

The Swedish version of the gingerbread house, in Swedish called pepparkakshus (literally meaning pepper cake house), along with Santa's sleigh.

A little glass decorated with pine trees, a snowman and Christmas decorations.A little glass decorated with pine trees, a snowman and Christmas decorations.A little glass decorated with pine trees, a snowman and Christmas decorations.

A little glass decorated with pine trees, a snowman and Christmas decorations.

Here is a little animation I made, with the help of our pepparkakshus and a little statuette of Santa, to wish you a merry Christmas!

I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and fun holidays!


French Terms:

Clichés in this sense means photographies, it could also mean a stereotyped expression.

Noël stands for Christmas.

In the video:

Mission Père Noël means Mission Santa.

Joyeuses Fêtes means Happy Holidays.

Hors série means special issue.

Joyeux Noël stands for Merry Christmas.

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