The Book of Sea

by Kokoma

posted in Altered Book , Sculptures

The Book of Sea

Recently I had to make an altered book project for my art class, with a National Geografic book.

As we had to base it on something meaningful to us, I got inspired from a part of my childhood spent in New Caledonia and decided to make my altered book on the lagoons of the little island of New Caledonia.

The Book of SeaThe Book of Sea

For this book I started by making the cover and the back of the book. I glued pieces of fabrics to make the background. To decorate the front and back of my book I glued shells, rocks, little objects, a bit of sand and a few aquatic animals of New Caledonia. To make the tittle I simply cut out the letters from a piece of fabric and glued them on to my book's cover.

The Book of Sea

Once I finished the cover and the back of my book I went on to working on the inside of my book. I glued every pages of the book together to make it hold well. To give the book more volume I curved some pieces of pages and glued them back together to the other pages with a hot glue gun.

With tempera I painted the inside of my book in blue and yellow. I made fishes and aquatic life out of clay, while some of my animals were cut out of paper and coloured in pencil crayon.

The Book of SeaThe Book of Sea

I also added sea shells and little rocks inside my book as well as on top, along with other aquatic creatures which I glued at the top of my book.

I added more detail to my lagoon by gluing corals, rocks and little cliffs which I drew on paper and coloured in pencil crayon. On the left side of my lagoon I painted a little cliff and some corals with acrylic paint.

The Book of SeaThe Book of Sea

Here are some other fishes I made for my book:

The Book of SeaThe Book of SeaThe Book of Sea
The Book of Sea

If you wish to have tips on how to draw fishes you can watch my tutorial video on how to easily draw fishes, shown right below, which I also refered to in my last article.

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