Origami Creations

by Kokoma

posted in Origami , Créations de papier

Origami Creations

Paper Folding Art

I like to make origami, you can easily do some really cool stuff by folding paper. I just think it's amazing how people invent origamis. I know I couldn't possibly invent my owns, that would probably be way too complicated for me.

Animals, Enveloppes and Flowers

For today I'm presenting some origamis that I've made recently and over the years: cats, dogs, boxes, enveloppes, bags, birds, roses etc...

Origami Creations

The Magic Rose Cube

A pretty simple origami to make, and one of my favorites is the Magic Rose Cube. It's a really cool origami as you can change it from a cube to a rose. In my photos you can see some magic rose cubes that I have made.

Here is a video on how to make a magic rose cube:

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