My Etsy Shop

by Kokoma

Hello friends!

I started my very own online shop! It's called The Cuddly Friends Shop.

It has been up and running since late August of this year. You can buy greeting cards and bookmarks, all made from my own designs (or inspired by my own photos).

My shop on Etsy:

My website:


My Etsy Shop

A big plan I'm working on at the moment is to offer stickers that kids will be able to decorate their rooms with. Thanks to a very generous donation of $200 I will soon be able to make this project a reality!

If you want to support me by making a small donation so that I can keep doing what I'm doing that would be very touching!

Click here to make a donation and/or to learn more about the sticker project.

Here's a peek at the drawings (newly enhanced):

My Etsy Shop
My Etsy Shop
My Etsy Shop

Want to support my work?

Follow the shop on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest:


Twitter: @ShopCuddly,

Pinterest: The Cuddly Friends Shop,

It would be great if you could like/follow us on the social networks or on Etsy as the shop has just been set public so I really don't have many followers right now.

I'm grateful for any help I can get, so thank you so much if you like us on social networks, buy our products, make a donation or simply write a nice comment :)

Hopefully, I'll hear from you through my shop!

See you next time!



Comment on this post
Hey, Bonjour Kokoma ! comment vas-tu ? ^^<br /> Je trouve tout ces projet géniaux ! Je te souhaite bonne chance et bonne réussite !<br /> continue c:<br /> (j’essaierai de voir ce que je peux faire :3)
Salut !<br /> Je suis vraiment désolé pour ma réponse (vraiment) très en retard (ça fait plus d'un mois?!). Je suis assez débordée en ce moment.<br /> Merci beaucoup pour ton soutien ça me fait vraiment plaisir car ce n'est vraiment pas toujours facile !<br /> Bon, à plus !<br /> Et joyeux Halloween !